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We protect each other, we uplift each other, we work together. As a team, you can hope to achieve something beyond yourself.
We, at Green Nest Building Systems understand the importance of curtailing the ever growing energy expenses and therefore have built into our products three energy-saving features that minimize the cost of heating and cooling your home without sacrificing the aesthetics.
Not so with Green Nest Building Systems windows and doors, which when closed block out the outside disturbances, creating a comfortable environment to concentrate, enable a peaceful night’s sleep, relax and enhance your quality of life that help and protect you.
The problem is that dust enters through cracks in the old windows and doors. Switch to Green Nest Building Systems and the problem is hugely reduced (much like it is in the modern car) owing to its following features which ensure dust has no entry passage into your home.
With aluminium windows and doors, if not installed properly, the rainwater accumulates in the tracks and spills inside. The problem vanishes when you replace your old windows and doors with Greennest Building Systems, which has engineered with three innovations to keep your home safe and dry when monsoons come knocking at your door.
Wind speeds touch as high as 250 kmph, the equivalent of 3100 Pascal wind loads. In order to protect your home from such hurricanes and cyclones, Green Nest Building Systems engineers have come up with innovative solutions that provide strong protection ensuring no rattling frames and no whistling sounds while increasing the safety and security of the home.
In summers high as 50degree C in northern parts and in winters often fall below freezing point. To overcome the severity of these conditions, Fenesta has created a special UV resistant uPVC blend, a unique tropical formulation that stands up to extreme radiation year after year and makes the windows and doors fade resistant, low maintenance.
Often, windows and doors are kept closed day and night for fear of insects and mosquitoes. Obviously, closed windows and doors block the much needed fresh air and sunlight. In order to protect your home from insects while still allowing sufficient of ventilation sunlight inside, Fenesta offers option of insect meshs like Stainless steel, Fiber…
Security is a major issue in both villas and low rise buildings in virtually every city in India. To keep the windows and doors open for fresh air but at the same time be assured of the security of our homes is a desire deeply nourished by many Indians. At Fenesta, we understand this need and therefore our products come with an option of grills.
Each product is tailor made for your home. First we talk to you about your tastes, understand that your requirements and listen to what you are trying to achieve. Then we design the windows and doors you need: casement, sliding, tilt & turn, combination or something special. The choice is yours – but the quality is always the finest.
We protect each other, we uplift each other, we work together. As a team, you can hope to achieve something beyond yourself.
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